7001CEGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle

Our highly-skilled Timken BEARING MFG.CORP and factory-trained service experts have the 176.3 ao resources to help you with all your 7001CEGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle 3 ra needs - including routine maintenance, 1.5 rb major repairs, warranty service, and Super Precision Bearing equipment inspections.

Brand Name: SKF
Model Number: 7001CEGA/P4A
ra: 3
ao: 176.3
rb: 1.5
DA_: 44.45
Z_: 12
d: 130
ALP21: 30
r1: 1.5

Product Details

ra 3
ao 176.3
rb 1.5
DA_ 44.45
Z_ 12
d 130
ALP21 30
r1 1.5
Oil rpm 2200
LangID 1
hidTable ecat_NSANGB
mass 35
SRE 23.11
KBRG 7124
r 4
SREX 0.16
m0 1.77
SDM_ 204.987
da 148
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Phone 339-782-6376
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