22330BK NTN Spherical Roller Bearings

With over Timken BEARING MFG.CORP 10170 full-service stores, our 22330BK NTN Spherical Roller Bearings inventory is extensive and our parts are priced right. within 24 hours. This helps 0.04 SREX you maximize your productivity by saving time and your hard-earned 7303AWDT yobi dollars.

Brand Name: NTN
Model Number: 22330BK
yobi: 7303AWDT
SREX: 0.04
r: 1
D_a: 41
Prod_Type3: ACBB_SR_MM_DT
C0: 17.3
ALPHA_: 30
DI_: 23.216

Product Details

yobi 7303AWDT
SREX 0.04
r 1
D_a 41
Prod_Type3 ACBB_SR_MM_DT
C0 17.3
DI_ 23.216
m0 0.349
SRI 4.54
D_ 47
SRIX 0.04
GRS rpm 9000
hidTable ecat_NSANGB
KBRG 7321
mass 0.232
DA_ 8.731
ALP21 30
2B_ 28
DE_ 40.782
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